How to lose weight fast and in 4 weeks?

Firstly we need to look at the question, do you actually want to lose weight or do you want to lose body fat? Yes there are plenty of ways to lose weight fast but all you are actually doing is removing water weight from your body leaving you hungry and dehydrated. Why do people do this ? MMA fighters and boxers use this method to hit their weight goals in a few days to ensure they are the right weight for the fight. This is only a short term approach and you wont actually lose any body fat.

Now we have cleared that up, we have established that your real question is “How do I lose body fat?”. Im not going to bullshit you with fancy words, pseudo science and bullshit fat burner products. If you think you you need to lose body fat that means your body fat percentage is too high. This is all subjective, someone with the same body fat percentage as you may feel more comfortable in their skin than you do, so you shouldn’t measure your self worth by your body fat percentage or the fact that you don’t have a visible six pack.

Anyway that is a different discussion for another day, the topic on hand here is that you feel your body fat percentage is too high and you would like to lose body fat. Why are you in this position in the first place? It’s simple you’ve been eating more calories than you have been burning, so now you have been in a calorie surplus. So how do I lose body fat then ? You need to be in a calorie deficit, that means eating less than you are burning so that you lose body fat.

That doesn’t mean going on a chicken and broccoli diet and logging everything in myfitnesspal and starving yourself for a week just to end up back here in a week looking for a different approach. You can start off by making smarter decisions don’t drink the full fat full sugar energy drinks, opt for the zero calorie zero sugar options. Reduce your portion sizes and use your calories wisely, instead of eating that 400 calorie chocolate or sweets you could eat a meal with vegetables and a source of protein for that and you would be fuller for longer so you won’t be back in the biscuit cupboard. And save the booze for the weekends and opt for the chicken kebab instead of the calorific donna kebab on your staggered walk home at 4am.

Once you are in set routine with your diet and exercise you can use an app like myfitnesspal to track your calories, however ignore the amount of calories the app tells you to eat as it is incredibly inaccurate, unless you have set it up perfectly and know exactly what all your macros should be.

How many calories should I eat ?
You can use the calorie deficit calculator on this page to estimate how many calories you should be eating. I always find it more accurate if I put the activity levels as very low as most people can tend to over exaggerate.

Whilst in a calorie deficit you can lose a lot of muscle mass too so it is important that you have a high protein intake so you lose fat and build/maintain muscle mass at the same time. This is where protein powders/bars come in, eating low calorie and high protein supplements can assist you in your journey by helping you hit your protein goals and the fact it is low calorie gives you a little bit more freedom to eat a treat and still stay within your calorie deficit.

How much protein should I eat?
It is difficult to gauge how much protein your body actually needs due to conflicting research studies,  but about 0.7–1 gram per pound (1.6–2.2 grams per kg) of body weight seems to be a reasonable amount of protein. e.g. A person who weighs 100kg (220lbs) would need an estimated protein intake of (154g – 220g).

Most of your daily protein intake should be sourced from protein rich foods such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes and beans. Protein powders and supplements are there to help increase your protein intake if your diet is lacking it, protein powders are also great for those of you who are on Vegan and Vegetarians diets who find it hard to consume the required amount of protein.



On top of your calorie deficit you need to go the gym or workout or exercise however you see fit, even if you just start off going out for walks and using your body weight against you.

So now that we have discussed the diet and exercise, the final point is consistency. You need to keep up with this for months on end to notice any difference and yes it can get really boring but those days are the most important. This is all it really takes to lose body fat. No bullshit smoothies with the heart of a new born child grinded up with the tears of a thousand orphans, make calculated decisions on what you eat, exercise more and be CONSISTENT. It’s not rocket science.

If you have any further questions or would like some assistance, feel free to contact us via email: [email protected]

related protein bars and drinks

At Protein Mafia we have plenty of products to help assist you in your body transformation journey, whether you need to be in a calorie deficit or calorie surplus.

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