Returns/Refund Policy

We pride ourselves on high levels of service and customer satisfaction, but occasionally orders may arrive and not be to your exact expectations. If this is the case and you would like to return an item that you have received from Protein Mafia, please contact us by email [email protected] to let us know the reason you wish to return, then we will advise you accordingly.

You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by Protein Mafia within 7 days of delivery for a full refund or product exchange, with the exception of fresh goods or perishable items such as breads, egg whites etc due to food safety reasons. We cannot accept returns of items that have been opened or the safety seal/s tampered with. If the unwanted items are returned in their original condition including tags & packaging, we will refund you any money which you have paid us for those items, or offer you an alternative product of similar value as a replacement if required. You will be you required to pay for the return postage of the unwanted goods and our original postage costs to you.

If a return is agreed on an unwanted item, we recommend that all returns are sent by recorded delivery for your safety. We will not take responsibility for returned items if they are lost in the post. Once the item arrives at Protein Mafia and is checked, we will issue a refund.

If a product arrives to you damaged (damaged by the courier in transit) please state this to the courier and mark as damaged. We will arrange a collection of the damaged product, if necessary and send a replacement of the product once the damaged product has been returned to us. If we are out of stock etc then we will contact you to arrange a refund, offer an alternative product, or agree with you a satisfactory outcome to resolve the matter.

Most refunds will take 3-5 working days for us to action/complete. After we have issued the refund, the funds can take a further 3-5 working days to clear into your account.

If the funds have not cleared in five working days after the refund has been issued, contact us again to ensure this has been carried out.

If an order is returned to us because no one has been at the shipping address to receive the items, or the customer has refused delivery (with no mistake on our part), the item will be refunded minus either a 20% restocking fee plus the cost of the delivery both to the customer and the return delivery back to us. Refusal of correct deliveries is deemed to be breaking our terms and conditions unless there is a mistake with the order or the order has been damaged in transit.

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